Jenn Crookston

Jenn Crookston Profile Photo

As a mom of 7. Jenn can always find a reason to craft.

For nearly 3 years as an employee of Cricut, Jenn loved teaching users how to craft with their Cricut machines via Facebook and Instagram Live.

Jenn has grown the Crafty Housewives Instagram to over 85,000 followers by sharing crafting tips and tricks and teaching her followers how to use their Cricut machines.

There are a lot of new products on the market but HTV remains one of Jenn's favorite crafting mediums!

Aug. 5, 2024

Crafting Your Future: Starting a Business with HTV

Want to start a business with just the materials and machines you have on hand? Grab your Cricut and some HTV and start making crafts to sell. We are going to cover tips and tricks to get the best results as well as the brand...